Matthew Coaker (M35)

Current member : No

Best time for 1m is 5:00 (5:00) Link to race
Best time for 5k is 16:43 (5:24) Link to race
Best time for 5m is 28:21 (5:40) Link to race
Best time for 10k is 35:02 (5:39) Link to race
Best time for 10m is 58:17 (5:50) Link to race
Best time for half is 1:16:38 (5:51) Link to race

Was Runner Of The Month for

Please enter reason hereMatt Coaker

We didn't think there would be much to choose from for December's runner of the month, with only a couple of league races and not much else on, but how wrong were we?

Whilst there were plenty of members who have had very good Decembers, Matt's achievements made him stand out as a clear winner for this months award.

Only running his first LERC race in January, Matt has firmly established himself as one of our leading runners, improving consistently throughout the year and being a key part of our title winning squads.

Finishing November with a 10 mile PB, Matt was unlucky to pick up an illness which ruled him out of the Booths XC and was touch and go for the Turkey Trot. Fortunately, he was able to take to the start line and ran a great time of 1:19, to knock 2 minutes off his previous best effort.

Matt carried this form to just miss out on a 5k PB, by just 2s, with hindrance from a large field of runners on the 3 lap course.

Over Christmas, he kept a lid on the celebrations, to take a trip to Mallory Park for a 10k effort, where he was handily paced by GB triathlete Jodie Stimpson and GB trail/ultra runner Tom Evans, to wipe 45s off his PB. It would have been even quicker had the course not been a fair bit long, unfortunately, this meant Matt's time of 35:02 meant he agonisingly missed out on the sub-35 clocking. He did secure a very impressive 2nd place though, only being beaten by another former international athlete...

Well done Matt, a great month and an incredible year, but with his commitment to training, I'm sure we will be seeing you running even quicker in the coming months!

Performance History

History for 5k

History for 5m


2nd @ Long Eaton Parkrun
2nd @ Long Eaton Parkrun


Races competed in (151 miles over 28 races.) download

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