Woolacombe Dunes Parkrun
11-11-2023 - 3.1 miles
Name |
Time |
Cat. |
Pos. |
Pace |
Notes |
Oliver Cook |
27:59 |
M55 |
36 |
53.4 |
9:02 |
These results were brought to you by Dave the Parkrun Bot & Paul Lewis
and the full results are here
Categories listed are LERC categories, not those provided by the race organisers.
LERC uses JM, SM, M40, M50, M60, JF, SF, F35, F45 & F55
Course fastest
23:07 - Paul Lewis
25:06 - Andy Dickenson
27:59 - Oliver Cook
28:34 - Peter Machin
31:06 - Adam Drummond
35:13 - Robert Dooley
44:02 - Scott Conroy
33:09 - Joann Lewis
33:19 - Isobel Parsons
35:31 - Lisa Machin
35:43 - Louise McQuade
37:12 - Bernadette Dooley
Other Runnings
For other Parkrun results visit https://www.parkrun.org.uk/woolacombedunes/results/eventhistory/Achievements from this race