Rachel Lee (F35)

Current member : Yes

Best time for 1m is 6:46 (6:46) Link to race
Best time for 5k is 21:59 (7:05) Link to race
Best time for 4m is 28:27 (7:07) Link to race
Best time for 5m is 38:07 (7:37) Link to race
Best time for 10k is 46:56 (7:34) Link to race
Best time for 10m is 1:25:34 (8:33) Link to race
Best time for half is 1:36:25 (7:22) Link to race
Best time for full is 5:12:06 (11:55) Link to race

Was Runner Of The Month for

ROTM June 2024
This person joined the club last October and has immersed herself fully into the club, both on club nights and at races. With a definite preference for an incline and a bit of mud, she began the month with the Maverick Peak Ultra. This race starts in Bakewell and ventures into a mixed terrain of moorlands, river valleys and the highest peaks in the park. She came 3rd female and 1st in her age category. Onto Denby in the summer league, where she was 3rd LERC female and 4th in her age category and at Wollaton where she was 4th LERC female. At Castleton fell race she placed 2nd F40 and was our 1st female home at Grindleford fell race, the day after Wollaton!
You might think that one ultra in a month might test a person but no, this incredible woman went on to come 1st female in our very own Nomad 50 mile Ultra! Beating her previous time by over 5 minutes. A determined and inspirational runner-June’s runner of the month goes to the awesome Rachel Lee.

Performance History

History for 5k

History for 5m


Races competed in (654 miles over 70 races.) download

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