Dione Hartley (F45)
Current member :
Best time for 1m is 7:28 (7:28) Link to race
Best time for 5k is 21:46 (7:01) Link to race
Best time for 4m is 28:30 (7:08) Link to race
Best time for 5m is 39:07 (7:49) Link to race
Best time for 10k is 45:25 (7:20) Link to race
Best time for 10m is 1:25:27 (8:33) Link to race
Best time for half is 1:46:57 (8:10) Link to race
Best time for full is 3:54:08 (8:56) Link to race
Was Runner Of The Month for
Our runner of the month goes to Dione who since joining the club has gone from strength to strength with her running, with a sub 55 minute 10k and achieving 1st for her age category at the double or quits 5 mile race. More recently for her 2nd half marathon achieving a great personal best and sub 2hours in just over 1hr 55. Congrats Dione we wish you continued success running.
Performance History
History for 5k
History for 5m
History for 10k
History for half
History for full
2nd f35 @ Boston Parkrun
3rd f35 @ Malahide Parkrun (Ireland)
3rd f35 @ Long Eaton Parkrun
3rd f35 @ Forest Rec Parkrun
1st f35 @ Shipley Country Parkrun
1st f35 @ Double or QUITs
Races competed in (930 miles over 94 races.) download
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