Sarah Edmonds (F45)

Current member : No

Best time for 5k is 25:13 (8:08) Link to race
Best time for 4m is 34:03 (8:31) Link to race
Best time for 5m is 42:18 (8:28) Link to race
Best time for 10k is 51:37 (8:20) Link to race
Best time for half is 2:01:04 (9:15) Link to race
Best time for full is 4:54:26 (11:14) Link to race

Was Runner Of The Month for

Runner of the month goes to Sarah Edmonds who has been improving her running over the summer races with a pb set at the Jagermeister and the following Wilne 10k events. Joining the club with a 58 minute 10k now to 53 minutes. Sarah achieved a big pb of 6 minutes at the Royal Parks Half marathon and sure there is much more to come!. So we wish Sarah continued great training for the London Marathon in 2015 running for her chosen charity Children with Cancer.

Performance History

History for 5k

History for 4m

History for 5m

History for 10k

History for half


2nd female team @ Heritage - Final Table
2nd f35 @ Long Eaton Parkrun


Races competed in (403 miles over 55 races.) download

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