Evening club runs
With the dark evenings and the suspension of the speed sessions on a Tuesday evening, more of us are taking to the streets of Long Eaton for our 6.30 fix.
As we are a very sociable bunch, we naturally want to run with our friends in groups; which is great. However; we need to keep in mind that we don't have sole use of the pavements and paths and, where members of the public are encountered, we should be mindful of their reaction to a large group of runners steaming up from behind or bearing down on them.
If you are in a group, whatever it's size, please try:
- to move into single file
- to move over to the road side of the path
- to acknowledge the pedestrian with a "Hello" or "Thank you"
- if approaching from behind, to give a friendly warning of your arrival - such as a loud cough or a shout of "just passing on your left/right"
The latter point is especially important if dogs are involved.
If you think the pedestrian hasn't heard you, think about walking past them.
Please remember; while you are out on the streets you are representing the club and each pedestrian you pass is a possible future couch-to-5k participant or club member.
This report was brought to you by Peter Machin
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