London Marathon club draw
We will be holding the draw for the London Marathon club places at the Lights and Pies night on 20th December.
If you wish to enter the draw the rules for entry are below. Please note; due to a change in the way the organisers notified entrants of the ballot result, we will now accept either the entry or notification of results email as your proof of entry. Either of these should be sent to by 19 December.
1- Member must be a first-claim runner of LERC
2- Member must be in their 2nd year of membership (greater than 12 months since joining at the time of the draw)
3- Membership for the year of the draw must have been paid on or before 1 April
4- Member must have entered the London Marathon ballot as a LERC member
5- Member must submit their London Marathon rejection notification by the date specified to the Club Secretary
6- Member must have completed a minimum of five scoring races over the period spanning the most recent complete Winter, Summer and Fell leagues.
This report was brought to you by Peter Machin
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