12/6 stage relays
On Saturday March 26th, LERC will be entering multiple teams into the Midlands 12 stage relays for men and 6 stage relays for women, held at Sutton Park (Sutton Coldfield).
The relay consists of a mixture of 5.4 mile and 3.1 mile legs, with each person running in turn. It's usually a fabulous event, but one we've entered sparingly. This year, the club are covering all entry costs to try to boost numbers and put the club on the map, with a big turnout.
So far we have two men's teams and one ladies team filled. Open to all first claim members that wish to take part, regardless of ability. Once we have all the names of people who want to take part, we will sort into A/B/C/D/E? teams - so don't worry about how fast you'll be and letting people down, as you can't - it's better to have a full team with you, than it is to have 11/5 people wanting to run, but are missing a final team-mate!
If you would like to take part, please either comment on the facebook page, or let Aston, Paul L or Louise know - or message/email the club, whatever, just let us know :)
This report was brought to you by Aston Perrin
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