Re-scheduled Nottinghamshire AAA Fell Running Champs 2018

Re-scheduled Nottinghamshire AAA Fell Running Championships 2018

After the cancellation of the Wolf’s Pit fell race in March due to heavy snow, the replacement race for the 2018 fell championships is:

Chrome Hill Saturday 30th June 2pm;
£5 entry on the day;
4 miles 699 feet;
Information can be found on the fellrunner website:

More detailed information about the Nottinghamshire Championships will follow shortly.

Please bring full kit of:
Waterproof and taped seams top (with hood) and bottoms;
hat and gloves;
map suitable to navigate the course and compass;

It is likely that on race day kit requirement may be minimal or none at all at the discretion of the race organiser, but bring full kit in case.

Chrome Hill fell race is from the tiny Staffordshire hamlet of Hollinsclough set in the idyllic upper reaches of the river Dove. The race is part of the primary school’s annual fete and it is very much a family event with activities for children and food and drink available.

The course is a mixture of grassy and stony tracks, some wet bits and a steep climb and descent over the impressive shark-fin shaped limestone reef of Chrome Hill. Studded fell type running shoes are recommended.

On a summers day this is a real gem of a race and a unique opportunity to race in the Nottinghamshire Fell Championships out of their usual end of winter calendar slot.

Dicky Wilkinson 23rd April 2018

This report was brought to you by foxontherun


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