2017/18 Cross Country Season – Final WL positions and latest news.

Final WL positions

With the cancellations of the Weston 5, Bluebells, and finally Wolf's pit over successive weekends, the line was drawn under the 17/18 WL. Apologies to those who were relying on one or more of those to get their eight races in. The final positions are:

Senior Men
1. Oscar Partridge
2. Aston Perrin
3. Rich Howe

1. Mike Howard
2. Ian Chant
3. Mark Lay

1. Dave Boot
2. Paddy Fitzgerald
3. Alan Maplethorpe

1. Dave Riley
2. Colin Bostock
3. Bob Crockford

Pheidippides Award – Pete Machin

MiD (enough qualifying races) – Paul Lewis, Marc Kinch, Paul Burchell.

nb. Paul L ahead of Pete in table, but Pete got more overall points as more races – rules are rules.

Senior Women
1. Cath Brown
2. Rachel Toplis
3. -

1. Sarah Semmens
2. Amanda Larkin
3. Liz Lakin

Sadly, no qualifiers!

1. Val Lindsey
2. Kath Crockford
3. -

Pheidippides Award – Lisa Machin

Most improved Team Trophy awarded to LERC Senior Men's Team

Following our participation in the Midlands Counties Cross Country Championships, over the past two years, the men's team were given the accolade of being the most improved team. The magnificent Ken Rickuss Trophy sits proudly in the trophy cabinet in West Park Leisure Centre.

Those who ran at Wollaton Park on 27 Jan achieving a magnificent 11th team position are listed in the results on the web-site, and have earned this award, but the whole men's team are in top form at the moment, having qualified for the English National Road Relay 12 stage championships by finishing in 21st place in the Midlands Counties competition at Sutton park, Sutton Coldfield on 17 Mar. The National final is at the same venue on Sat 14 Apr.

Hopefully the weather will be more “spring-like” this time, and any support from club members will be much appreciated. The club's highest finishing position in this event is 48th in 2008, very good considering the quality of the opposition, but a top 40 finish is possible this time. There is also the matter of how well we do against our local rivals like Heanor RC and Mansfield H. We were well ahead of them at the Midlands race, and look to repeat that feat at the Nationals.

Rob Fox
Team Manager

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