LERC, GDPR and your data

get ready for the dullest news article ever....

On May 25th new rules come into play about your personal data and what we do with. This is probably a good thing - you shouldn't be caught out or tricked into signing up for email spam from dodgy retailers bending the rules anymore and those email lists you are already snagged by will become easy to unsubscribe from.

But for LERC it complicates things. We hold your personal data. We have (for good reasons) your DOB, gender, contact details etc in order to run the club and the website. We also send you emails, which we've previously assumed you're fine with - but now we need you to explicitly state you, as a LERCer, are happy to get emails telling you what is happening at LERC. I know right....

Also, the new rules state we shouldn't keep data we don't need anymore. So we'll be purging the data of lapsed members (we don't need their email or postal addresses anymore) but when members leave we really would like to keep their names, DOBs and genders so their results will be on the web forever.

So current members will be getting emails asking them to click a link agreeing to get emails about LERC and to agree to us saving the minimum data about them should they hang up their Asics in order to keep the historical archives accurate.

Lapsed members will also get an email asking if we can keep some data, but if they don't respond, their name's will change to 'A Runner'. Kind of like 'A Trialist' who used to score lots of goals in the Scottish lower leagues on the vidiprinter......

Current members will get 2 emails with links in shortly. Please click them to say we can use your personal data to run the club correctly.

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