2017/18 Cross Country Season – The Story So Far.
BMAF cross Country Relays – West Park, 28 Oct.
The cross country season began in October with the first Booth's Decorators & North Midlands league fixtures, however, on 28 Oct, LERC hosted the British Masters Athletics Federation Cross Country Relays for the 3rd time. As well as being a successful event and competition, which is growing in size and attracts clubs from all over the UK, we were able to field several age-group teams as follows:
W35-44 - 11th
W45-54 - 5th
M35-44 - 9th
M45-54 - 7th
English Cross Country Association Relays - Berry Hill Park, Mansfield,4 Nov 17.
Another regular fixture in our cross country calendar, LERC fielded one women's team in the 3 x 3k race. The team of Jackie Mather, Ellie Lunt and Stef Warwick finished in 65th position with Ellie's leg time of 12.18 making her 4th in the club's all-time list, and Stef's 12.39 taking her to 6th.
The men's A team of Aston Perrin, Oscar Partridge, James Berehowskyj & Rich Howe finished a superb 69th in the 4 x 5k event, with Aston's time of 17.32 and Oscar's 17.52 lifting them to 3rd and 4th respectively in he club men's all-time list for this event. Their 69th place beat the previous club best finish of 71st, achieved in 2011. The men's B team of Tim Caldwell, Tim Baggs, Ed Murden & Rich Wilkinson were a creditable 121st team in this consistently high quality competition. Tim Caldwell's time of 18.38 made 6th in the club's all-time 5k leg list for this event.
Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire County Cross Country Championships – Shipley Park, 6 Jan.
It was Derbyshire County AA's turn to host this combined event, once again at the mudbath of Shipley Park. The club' s members broadly split down the middle for respective county qualifications. As usual we provided strong individual and team challenges in both competitions.
In the women's 8k race, Stef Warwick was 7th, and 2nd V35-44, also earning a qualification for the Derbyshire team in the Inter County Champs on 10 Mar. The LERC Derbys team were 5th Vets with Val Lindsey 3rd V65-74. In the Notts race, unfortunately only Charli Hunt was able to run, finishing a creditable 47th.
In the men's 10k race, the LERC Notts senior team finished an excellent 2nd place, lead in by Oscar Partridge in 4th also earning a county qualification. He was followed in by James Berehowskyj, Mario Rocchelli, Tim Baggs, Paddy Fitzgerald & Rich Howe, all earning a county team silver. LERC Notts Team Manager Rich Wilkinson's unbridled joy at the success was notable. Alan Maplethorpe also achieved a hard-earned bronze as 3rd V55-64.
The LERC Derbys men were 4th Vets, but disappointingly would have been 2nd senior team but for a management/captain mix-up about team declarations. However, Mike Howard earned a V50-59 silver medal, and Aston Perrin gained a reserve qualification for the Derbyshire team. Ian Chant and Ryan Haw were the other unlucky club members.
Midlands Counties Cross Country Champs – Wollaton Park, 27 Jan 18.
In what is always a very high quality competition, the Senior Men's team achieved a magnificent 11th position in the Wollaton mud, with James Berehowskyj leading the way in 72nd. The Midlands Counties area extends to Bristol, so many extremely strong clubs took part. Home club Notts AC won, and LERC was two places behind local rivals Heanor RC, but ahead of Redhill RR, Ripley, Holme Pierrepont, Rushcliffe and Beeston.
Local leagues
The North Midlands league concluded on 13 Jan with the Wollaton Park fixture. Not quite as high in quality as the Midlands Counties, the North Mids league area nevertheless provides very strong competition. The senior men were placed 14th team overall, with the highest individual finishes being 23rd, by Sarah Semmens at the first race at Markeaton Park, and Oscar Partridge at Wollaton Park. There were no LERC individuals in the final tables.
With one race to go in the Booth's Decorators League, the Senior Men are placed 3rd, with the Women's team 6th. LERC is 6th in the combined table. All out of 12 clubs.
The standout performances so far in this league are:
Chaddeston Park – Aston 5th, Oscar 6th, Ellie Lunt 2nd.
Bakewell SG - 3rd Aston, 3rd Ellie, 8th James.
Trent Meadows – Oscar 2nd, James 4th, Aston 6th.
The final race in this season's league is at Holmebrook Park, Chesterfield on 11 Feb, unfortunately clashing with the re-scheduled Turkey Trot. Choice – mud or road? WL points from either.
Finally, in the East Midlands League, the Senior Men are in 3rd place with one race to go. Notable performances so far are:
Holme Pierrepont – Aston 3rd.
Bramcote Park - 1st Oscar.
Colwick Woods - 1st Oscar.
The final East Mids race is our own Trent Meadows fixture, followed by the presentations at The Tapper's Harker. A repeat of out home Booth's race effort might see us climb to 2nd seniors.
Five club members have entered the English National Cross Country Championships at Parliament Hill Fields, London, on 24 March. Liz Lakin, Val Lindsey, Mark Lay, Colin Bostock & Paul Stevenson. Good luck there guys. More mud!
To conclude, don't forget that the curtain falls on the WL1718 with another choice. On 4 March the Weston 5, and Bluebells “fell” race take place. Bluebells is in FL18, and points for each league on offer.
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