Summer mid-week leagues now over - Final positions
A round-up of team and individual performances at the Notts AAA Summer Road Race and Booth's League.
Notts AAA.
Overall, this summer was a big improvement on recent years. Below are the finishing positions, with the teams who were ahead and should be in our sights next year. The Senior Men, and Aston Perrin in particular, deserve huge praise for a magnificent series 2nd.
Senior Men - 2nd (behind Holme Pierrepont RC)
Men's Vets - 4th (Mansfield, Sutton, HPRC)
Senior Women - 4th (Notts AC, HPRC, EVRC)
The list of LERC runners who completed all five races is below, with their final position and category position where relevant.
Aston Perrin - 4th (2nd Senior Man)
Dan Hawley - 14th
Rich Howe - 16th
Ian Chant - 21st
Mark Lay - 25th
Ryan Haw - 26th
Rob Fox - 31st
Dave Riley - 52nd (2nd V60)
Martin Tilling - 59th
Along with Aston, Dan, Rich, Ian and Ryan, four other seniors contributed with at least one finishing position which was part of the team race score or scores. They are Mario Rocchelli, Mike Bland, Adam White & James Berahowskyj. All will receive a Notts AAA Summer League team silver medal.
Ellie Lunt - 5th (2nd Senior Woman)
Elizabeth Lakin - 27th
Val Lindsey - 41st (2nd VL65)
Booth's League
If anything, the BDL is even stronger in depth than the Notts league currently, with the top runners representing a smaller number of clubs, making low team scores more difficult. The Senior Men worked their way up to 4th after the five races. That is a significant improvement on recent years. The Women's team was 7th, with LERC 6th in the combined table. Also up on 2016.
The final individual list, by category, for club members with enough qualifying races is:
Aston Perrin - 6th Senior Man
Dan Hawley - 17th
Rich Howe - 18th
Ryan Haw - 19th
Mark Lay - 4th V40
Tim Baggs - 3rd V45
Ed Murden - 3rd V50
Rob Fox - 2nd V55
Alan Maplethorpe - 3rd V55
Dave Riley - 2nd V60
Ellie Lunt - 4th Senior Woman
Rachel Toplis - 22nd
Elizabeth Lakin - 23rd
Stef Warwick - 2nd LV40
Cath Benson - 4th VL45
Joanne Moore - 4th VL50
Val Lindsey - 3rd VL65
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