Midweek Leagues - Two races to go.

With just the final round of Notts AAA & Booth's League races in August to go, the club's men's and women's teams made good progress in the July races.

In the Notts AAA race at Worksop College, the Senior Men's team was a magnificent 2nd, with Aston Perrin a superb 3rd in the race. The close knit senior squad are now in a comfortable 2nd spot after 4 races with the final race at Teversal Grange on Wed 2 Aug. Men's Captain Ian Chant was included in the senior team score after a fine run.
The Senior Women's team was 3rd, with Ellie Lunt 11th woman in, and remain 4th overall.
The Men's Vets were =3rd on the night, despite losing Ian's score, but had enough in reserve, and improved to 4th overall.

In the Booth's League race at Carsington Water, despite the fixture clashing with the GP Series 3rd race, the men's and women's teams were 4th & 5th respectively, and 5th combined (men's & women's). Overall, the men pulled back a place to 5th, and the women's and overall positions remain as 6th.
The final Booth's League race is at Shipley Cricket Club on Tue 8 Aug.

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