Midweek - 3 race round up.
Round-up after 3 races in Booth's and Notts AAA Leagues
Booth's League
Not including last night's 4th Booth's League race, both men's and women's teams lie in 6th place, and 6th in the combined table. This despite a strong showing in all races so far, demonstrating how strong the Booth's League is at the moment. A link to the tables after 4 races will be added as soon as the results are available.
Notts AAA League
After three races, LERC is well-placed on three fronts.
On the night at Newark, the Senior Men were 2nd team, the Vet Men were 3rd, and the Senior women were 5th.
Overall, the Senior Men are placed 3rd, but only 39 points behind second place. The Vet Men are in 5th spot, but a mere 3 points behind 4th. The Senior Women have slipped slightly to 5th place overall, but can recover some lost ground with a good showing at the 4th fixture at Worksop College on Wed 12 July, 7.15pm.
The course at Worksop will be the established route of 4.9 miles approx. A great course for true road runners, with a short trail section. And of course, all downhill!
We must have a big turnout to keep up the pressure for a top three finish in the three team competitions where we are challenging.
There has been some great commitment and superb individual performances throughout, but Aston Perrin and Ellie Lunt stand out so far.
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