Winter League Final Table
After another tough winter season of road, trail & cross country, the final positions are as follows:
Senior Women
1. Cath Brown
2. Rachel Toplis
3. -
V35 Women
1. Liz Lakin
2. Lisa Machin
3. -
V45 Women
1. Cath Benson
2. -
3. -
V55 Women
1. Val Lindsey
2. Kath Crockford
3. -
No Pheidippides Award winner as no other female with a minimum of 8 races.
Senior Men
1. Rich Howe
2. Mario Rocchelli nb. Both tied on qualifying points. Rich wins by having a higher Ave WAVA Percentage. At last - a use for WAVA!!
3. -
V40 Men
1. Mike Howard
2. Mark Lay
3. Paul Lewis
V50 Men
1. Rob Fox
2. Rich Wilkinson
3. -
V60 Men
1. Dave Riley
2. -
3. -
Pheidippides Award - Marc Kinch. Paul Chapman was higher placed in the final table, but scored fewer points overall, with eight races compared to Marc's eleven.
Very well done to all award winners. Presentation to made at the Club summer function in late May/early June - details tbc.
Rob Fox
Club Sec.
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