Membership Renewals due


Membership fees for the 2017/2018 season are now due and I need everyone who is renewing to have paid by 31 March so I can sort out the block payment of EA affiliation fees on 1st April. Please do not leave it to the last minute!

Due to EA fees going up the figures are slightly different to last year. They are:-

First Claim Affiliated - £29 (Concessions £21.50 )

Non- Affiliated, Second Claim and First Claim Other - £15 (Concessions £7.50)

Junior - £14

NB – Concessions = OAP, Full Time Students, Unemployed etc ( If you are unsure if this applies to you, then please speak directly to me).

There are 3 payment methods – cheque, cash and Bank Transfer.

I will be present before and after each Tuesday training session to receive payments in cash and cheques. In my absence Shaun Burton or Ash Patel can also receive them.

Cash should be put in an envelope with your name and amount specified on. Cheques should have the name(s) of the member(s) being paid for on the back and preferably should also be in an envelope.

You can also send cheques to me at my home address which is 28 Larch Crescent, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 4DL.

However, the preferred method of payment is Bank Transfer. Payment can be made direct to the LERC Bank Account (40037567 sort 20-63-25) by internet or telephone banking. If you do pay by this method please be aware that as we do not bank online we have to cross reference with Bank Statements, so please include your name in the reference and most importantly email me at the e address below to confirm when you have done so confirming the amount sent. Failure to do this might mean we do not spot you have paid!

Anyone changing membership status from Non-Affiliated to Affiliated (or vice versa) or not planning on renewing please let me know so I can update my records.

Any queries please feel free to ask me.

John Hay
LERC Membership Secretary
Mob: 07971190927

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