Cross Country round-up 2016/17

Another cross country season draws to a close, and yet again, we are left with the feeling of “what might have been?”

In the BOOTH’S LEAGUE, LERC finished a mediocre 7th (out of 12 clubs) in the combined table. 8th & 7th for men and women respectively. Below half-way, in a league which we have won in the past, and were regularly placed in the top-three clubs. Whilst Leicester City FC fans might be happy with that, we should have higher expectations.

Individually, with at least 4 races out of 5 completed, Cath Benson - 2nd VL45 and Val Lindsey - 3rd VL65 were our highest placed ladies, with Mark Lay - 4th VM40, Rob Fox & Rich Wilkinson - 2nd & 3rd VM55 respectively, and Dave Riley a magnificent 1st VM60 to match his Booth’s summer league success. Marc Kinch & Vaughan Morris also completed 4 (or 5) races, so were placed in final table.

In the NORTH MIDS LEAGUE Val Lindsey finished as 2nd VL65, having completed all 4 races, and 31st lady overall. Mike Howard and Rob Fox ran all 4 races for the men. Final men’s results table unavailable so far.

The EAST MIDS LEAGUE culminated in an exciting race at Trent Meadows, and a noisy final presentation in The Tapper’s Harker afterwards. There were still no team awards for LERC, although we did have the satisfaction of having two first places at our home fixture with Oscar Partridge and Sarah Harris taking the honours. Oscar is the find of the season, easily winning the 2nd, 3rd and final East Mids races, and Sarah had a rare outing as second claim to LERC also out-classing all opposition.

There was at least some indication of what we are capable of if our best young runners of both genders talk to each other and plan to run in the same races. We are capable of being in the top three teams of the Booth’s League, and even challenging for league titles again. There are encouraging signs that genuine, “senior” male and female teams are evolving, who train together or are in contact, and will target the cross country leagues and other competitions as LERC teams.


Finally, at the Notts/Derbys County Cross Country Champs, we achieved successes as follows:
Steff Warwick was chosen as first reserve for Derbyshire Senior Women’s team for the Inter-Counties Cross Country Champs at Loughborough on 11 Mar. Mark Boot was also selected as first reserve for the Nottinghamshire Men’s team. Both are available to run, and await final notification. Being chosen to represent your county is an outstanding achievement which both athletes deserve. Hopefully, they will get their chance.

Also; Jackie Mather was 1st VL55 (Notts), & Val Linsdey 1st VL65 (Derbys), Rob Fox 3rd VM50 (Derbys).

Team-wise, Mike Howard, Ian Chant, Ed Murden & Rob Fox were 3rd Vet’s team (Derbys).

We had a significant turnout in both the Midlands Counties and English National Cross Country Championships, as well as fielding 5 age-group teams in the British Master’s Cross Country Champs, hosted by us at West Park.

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