Charity News for 2015

Great news that Sarah Edmonds has agreed to be our new charity secretary going forwards so between us lets kick off for 2015.
Due to holidays myself and Sarah will be working together to get the next 2 events off to a great start with your help of course!

2015 Charity Selections
Firstly as agreed with the committee, we would like to ask for your 2015 charity nominations for fundraising in advance so we can shout out about who and why when we have charity events.
So please can you pass on your requests here or private message by the 3rd June.
Perhaps Phil can do something clever on the front webpage again?!

Charity Raffle at the Quiz Night 5th June
There will be a small raffle at the quiz night, Sarah who will be selling tickets on the night.
This is a request / plea for any prizes you can donate, all welcome whether it be a bottle of wine or a 4 pack of lucozade!
Pass onto myself or Sarah over the next couple of weeks.

Charity LERC Bake off for the LERC5 race
Calling all you fabulous bakers out there, please for the 14th June we are holding a charity cake stall at the LERC 5.
The bake off will involve a small judging and the 2015 LERC5 Cake winner will receive a small prize!! So get those recipes and tins buttered to be in it to win it!
All help and if anyone can help on the day on the stall would be much appreciated who isn't marshalling of course.

Thanking you in advance
Rachel & Sarah

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