Notts & Derbyshire County Cross Country Champs - Sat 3 Jan, Wollaton Park
In the one event of the regular race calendar where LERC members effectively compete against each other, the annual tribal divisions were on display once again.
The Club's entry list for both competitions was badly affected by injuries and illness, and sadly only four LERC women started their race, Gayle Gamble, Jackie Mather in the Notts race, and Wendy Ray and Jane Capill for Derbyshire. Jackie was 5th in her age category.
In the Men's race, Andy Peat was able to represent LERC despite being 2nd claim to Birchfield Harriers AC. He ran an excellent race in the Nottinghamshire event, and will qualify for a county vest again.
Team success chances for the men were severely hampered by withdrawals on both sides, with only enough runners for complete vets' teams in both competitions. In the race, both Andy Dickenson (Derbyshire) and Paddy Fitzgerald (Nottinghamshire) ran superbly for 3rd V50 bronze medals in respective county events.
The LERC Notts race vets' team of Paddy, Mark Boardman, Rich Wilkinson and Alan Maplethorpe were 4th, whilst in the Derbyshire event, Andy, Rob Fox, Ian Chant and Tony Blakeway took the vets' team gold medal, ahead of Sinfin and Matlock.
Well done to all who ran. Full results will be published when available.
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