LERC Takeover Rushcliffe Parkrun

Many thanks to members who volunteered and paced at Rushcliffe parkrun Saturday 29th March. We also had a few LERC vests out running too.
Tim Baggs paced 20 minutes, Richard and Zach Ferguson 25 minutes and Damian Cowlishaw 30 minutes.
We received some great feedback on the pacing and support we gave on the day, so again thank you.
And anytime we want to help out again ........

Here is the race report from the team at Parkrun

Rushcliffe parkrun, Event No. 78, 29/03/14
Posted on March 30, 2014 by rushcliffeoffice
We had four pacers this week from Long Eaton Running Club (LERC) and most of the volunteer team was made up of other members of LERC. And what a great atmosphere that created! The runners responded by pulling out all the stops; not only did we have a bumper number of runners 232 - out of those there were 83 new personal bests! Nice work. A big thank you needs to go to Long Eaton Running Club for making this magic happen.
Lets put our hands together for the team from LERC:
Alasdair MACSPORRAN, Anna MULLIGAN- FREEMAN, Emma BUTT, Kevin BARRY, Rachel ARGENT, Rob ALLEN, Sarah KUEHNE, and Shaun Stewart BURTON

We thought it would be nice to include some voices from the field in this weeks run report. Below is a sample of some of the comments we got from satisfied parkrunners after Saturdays run:

I'm running 5km a day for a year for Nottinghamshire hospice: www.justgiving.com/5kaday. Today was my 62 run. I've improved my 5k time by around 5mins since I began the challenge in January. A lot of my running is really early or late in the day, alone so its a nice change to run in day light in a large group.

After 35 parkruns at Rushcliffe, today I took 35 seconds off my PB and achieved my first EVER sub 30 minute finish! I think the pacer really helped me. So I'm chuffed today, I now know I can do sub 30 mins - pressures on for next week. Thanks to your team for making it happen every week.

Beautiful morning and perfect weather for running. 20 minute pacer definitely helped me beat my pb (by 20 seconds!). Very chuffed. Didnt managed to keep up with him, but motivation of staying close helped me along!
We hope that the 37 first timers who joined us yesterday enjoyed the run and will come back and join us again.
Congratulations to the front runners; the women were led by Katie Jones (18.37), Gina Vaughan (21.07) and junior runner Florence Reed (21.20). The men were led by Andrew Fuller (17.10), followed by John Angell (17.38) and an anonymous man in 3rd position (perhaps he forgot his barcode?) Amazing times for all of you.

This report was brought to you by woolly


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