The Nationals at Wollaton Park - Thank you.

The following letter has been received from the Chairman of Notts AC, by all clubs who assisted in the staging of the Nationals. Everyone who marshalled, competed, and spectated, contributed to a hugely successful event:

The Final Word

Between us all we have just hosted not just a memorable days athletics but a memorable event. Obviously the weather helped, it put the gloss on a superb National Championships but the fact is many people came together, took some responsibility and did their best to promote the English Cross Country Championships for the benefit of 6000 competitors and almost as many spectators.

It wasnt just a bit good, it was exceptional thanks to You. Attached are just some of the comments received and you will see a number suggesting it was the best ever National.

I have a great personal affinity with this event and to bring it to Nottingham has fulfilled a little ambition, which increases my gratitude to you all personally.

The ECCA Secretary Ian Byett said that our event was unique in that there wasnt a single complaint. That coupled with the number of people who have bothered to communicate their thanks tells you it was very special. Not because anyone of us did anything extraordinary but because we all did our own little bits well.

So BIG THANKS to every single one of you.

Yours sincerely

Mick Robinson
Notts AC

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