Free seminar with Bill Adcocks - 11 Dec
Bill Adcocks was one of GB's trail-blazing marathon runners in the mid to late 1960's. A contemporary of Ron Hill, and a Coventry Godiva Harrier(still is). He was a silver medallist at the 1966 Commonwealth Games in Jamaica, 5th at the Mexico Olympics and world-ranked at No2, and held the record for the classic Marathon to Athens course of 2hrs 11mins 7 secs in 1969, not beaten until the 2004 Olympic Games by 12 secs. His lifetime PB is 2hrs 10.48.
He is giving a talk at the Old Spot PH, Daybrook, Nottingham on 11 December. The event is organised by the Nottinghamshire Athletics Network (NAN).
He will be talking about his running career, training methods old and modern, and the current state of the sport, as he is very much involved still. It will be an informal Q&A event.
We can arrange car-sharing if there's enough interest..
Rob Fox.
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