Latest Information
The Club Management Committee have agreed that the Club Captains, Shaun and Rachel should attend a
Training courses
Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) course, at a cost of £110 each. The club has recently received a bursary of £300 from the Nottinghamshire Athletics Network for expenses of this sort. The qualification is self-explanatory, and will enable them both to add to, and improve the current training programmes, aimed at new members and beginners.
It is intended that the remaining £80 goes towards the cost of a Road Traffic Management course for a nominated club member involved in the staging of the LERC 5 mile road race. This qualification will become a mandatory requirement for clubs who host road races. As yet, there is no course/date planned. The club will pay the remainder of the cost.
EA Registration for individual members
A quick reminder, ahead of annual membership renewal, that we are all able to keep our own EA profile up-to-date, and to check that names, addresses and dates of birth are correct.
You will all have been supplied with a user-name, which is normally the 7 digit numeric bit of your EA number, plus your password.
The web-site is: “Athletes” “Registration & Affiliation” “Up-dating your profile”. You can work it out from there, with instructions for forgotten passwords.
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