AGM information on voting procedure.
Item 6 of the AGM agenda will be the “Election of new committee and officers”, and with Louise Jansen stepping down, there are two candidates for the position of Ladies Captain. They are:
Rachel Argent and Sarah Priestley
The vote will be carried out at the appropriate time by ballot, each slip containing both names only. Voters should simply put their mark against either name, privately or otherwise, fold the slip and place in a container brought around by an appointed club member who is independent of the committee - tbc.
All members of the club can vote, but are not compelled to. A non-vote will be deemed to be an abstention. The final result will be a count of votes made, with the winner being the candidate with a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the Club Chairman will cast the deciding vote.
In recognition of the importance of this vote to some members who are unable to attend the AGM, there will be an opportunity to place their vote, in person, at The Barge PH between 7.15pm and 8.15pm. They must give their vote only to the Club Secretary, or independent club member appointed to collect votes.
In order to obtain a final decision before resuming the meeting, we will adjourn briefly while the votes are counted, enabling a re-filling of glasses etc.
Following the conclusion of the voting process, the result will be announced and the successful candidate will take up her seat immediately. The meeting will then continue in accordance with the agenda.
Hope to see you all there.
Rob Fox
Club Secretary.
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