Christmas Dinner and Presentations

The hordes of Long Eaton Running Club descended upon the Novotel on Bostocks Lane on Friday December 2nd for a night of festive fun and celebration. The eagerly anticipated event doubled as both the club’s Christmas party and, just as importantly, as the presentation evening for a hard summer of racing, with summer and fell league final placings to be announced and a selection of awards to be presented.

The night began with a happy hour of drinking, during which time many guests took the opportunity to appropriately prepare themselves for the food and speeches to follow. Once seated, the traditional fayre wasn’t far away and, after bad jokes were read, party poppers pulled, paper hats worn and strange balloons fired around the room, the awards were duly doled out. The richly deserved list of winners were as follows (summer and fell league final placings can be found on the LERC website, under “leagues”): -

Ian Baxter Award - Glen Coleman

Outstanding Athletic Achievement Award - Sarah Harris

Men's Captain - Alan Maplethorpe

Women's Captain - Rachel Argent

Men's Pheiddipedes Award - Damian Cowlishaw

Women's Pheiddipedes Award - Monica Marriott

Amidst high drama, a draw also took place for the club's final London Marathon place, with Dave Harper being the lucky recipient. Sarah Crannage was identified as the first reserve.

With the awards and speeches wrapped up, the Blues Brothers (or men appearing to look like them) made an appearance, which encouraged some excellent dancers, and Ash, to get down on the dance floor. All that was left was for those so inclined to dance the night away.

A big thanks must go to Leeann and Phil Thompson, who expertly organised a great occasion.

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