Only Golds and Silvers at Goodrich 10k
With the Nottingham ½ and Full Marathon on the same day and many LERCERs taking part and small group of 4 “White and Blues” ran the Goodrich 10k over in Wolverhampton, the race also incorporating the MMAC championships as well. Dicky Wilkinson, Rob Fox, Ed Murden and the Ever improving Jackie Mather took part. And what a day it was, not only did the guys win the Gold Medal for first V45-54 team, but Dicky won silver and Rob won gold in their age category of MV50, and Jackie not to be outdone also got a shiny Gold medal in her Age category of FV50. The Shine of her medal was nearly outshone by her smile after the race! Well Done Guys.
Rob Fox 16th 37:30
Ed 17th 38:01
Dicky 35th 41:17
Jackie 5th Lady 43:58
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