Larwood 10k
Baking hot in Worksop- sounds odd but it was so. A rather limited turn out of one chap and one chap-ess made the long haul to Shireoaks for the Larwood 10k. The course was new this year following (I'm sure they said this..) a plane crash on the previous course rather disrupting the route. It can only be described as a rugged route! Good points were the weather, mainly off-road, lots of canal towpath, lovely countryside, many cheering locals, friendly marshals, top quality t-shirt. Bad points were 5 stiles, 3+ kissing gates, a big hill near the start and a horrible ankle-killing ploughed field at the end. Not PB territory, good for a countryside amble- but next time I'll borrow a dog and walk it instead.
Reporter Carol P
anom wrote; But the results list 3 runners....
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