Dovedale Dash
It rained it poured and i bet an old man snored before the start of this 4.5 miler, the 54th running of the Dovedale Dash was also the Last time that Andy Dickenson will don the Blue and White of Long Eaton as his hip replacement means that he cannot run anymore, at the race 20 plus other long eatoners bid farewell to Andy who has been with Long eaton for many a year. The Race itself was a fun event with the rain turning parts of the course to mush and the rest being very slippy, the gun went off and what could only be described as a stampede heading down a slipery bank, and with those who wore road shoes falling over and crashing in to other runners it looked like hunters were taking pot shots, the local rugby club was in evedence as a rugby ball kept being kicked into the air and landing on some of the runners in front, after the 1st hill came to wade through the river near the stepping stones and the soaked cold runners ran onwards after climbing out on the otherside. The next part of the race was over mixed terain with hills and valley and cow pats to negoitiate, ending up with the last steep hill the runners went down at the start. 1150 started and all who finished had a smile on their faces at the end, we must be mad!
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