2 weekends of PBs

With the Long Eaton running Club having a "quiet weekend" with the Chairmans 55th birthday social run being the only "advertised" run, Members of the Club were scattered all over the UK to race in various races and distances. Caroline Waterhouse had a second place finish in the 12 miler spires and steeples race in Lincoln in a very fast time of 1:38 next year she will a"spire" to come home in first place. The most time knocked off from a PB was done by Colin "where are you racing today?" Bostock running in the 50 Mile, yes 50, Mile round Rotherham 50 race held on Sunday the 18th Oct he took over an hour and half off his previous best and no doubt was very happy with his effort of 10hs and 16 minutes, hope you will a rest for 48 hours before racing again Mr B. Abingdon next where Brian Jobe did just over half the distance of Colin and ran The Marathon there, yet another PB to report with Brian clocking a fantastic time of 3:18:28 for the 26.2 miles.
The previous weekend more best times were set with the Leicester full and Half Marathons being run with the Marathon seeing 2 out of 2 PBs being set by the two Long Eatoner who ran the full both getting new bests for the 26.2 Eddie Mathieson 3:08 and Paul "the Landlord" Thompson 3:48 a new best by 20 mins. In the Half the newly married Chris Bradley celebrated with a new half marathon best of 1:45:59 as he has just got married he must have been tired before the race! so was a brilliant effort. In Shorter Races Cath Rowe set the way for the Club being first V45 lady winner and the first Long Eaton Runner back in the hilly Bestwood 10k, and at the second 10k of the day, Paul lewis again set a new PB of 33:02 and 3rd Pace, a PB was set also by Ian Chant (36:25) and Course bests were set by Rob Fox, Martin "its the weekend wheres the race?" Way, Sharon Orridge and Monica Fee.
It looks like its going to be a quick winter season for the Long Eaton Running Club well done to all the runners who raced over the last 2 weekends.

Results can be found at WWW.Longeatonrunningclub.com


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