Crossdale 10k

The 1st race of the Long Eaton winter League, took place on Sunday 27th Sept 09, with the relatively tough 10k trail race at Keyworth, the 10th staging of the race was a good one with 11 LERCERs and one ex member taking part, all 11 finshed in the top 1/2 with over 300 finishing. There wer 3 Course Bests with the Flying Mario Rochelli 1st back for Long eaton knocking 2:20 off his previous best for the race and finishing in 13th, Captain Shaun Burton knocking 3 mins off of last years time ran 2 mins under his best time for the course which was back in 2004, to set 46:10 and 63rd, Damien Cowlishaw comming back from injury knocked 5 mins off his time set last year. Also off of the sick bed was Paul Burchell who was 76th, not bad as he hasnt raced since november 08, The 2 ladies from LERC fought it out and as it was Ladies Captain Caroline Waterhouse just got the better of Vreni Verhoven and finished a minute ahead. Martin Way with the racing bug was the best of the VET 40s for Long Eaton and was 33rd in a time of 44:07, Dave Riley in the Vet 50 age range was 34 secs later in 38th place, new member Darren Pyefinch also racing alot was next 45th in 45:13, The hardly raced Colin Bostock had a "rare" outing and set a good time of 45:38 it was another race to add to Colin's tally and he is now "probably" over 100 races for the year. Andy Willescroft in his 4th race for the club also had a good race and was just below 46 mins and a finishing position of 58th. Ex Long Eatoner Phil Farmer also ran and was just below 48 mins .


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