Tour of Derwent Valley overall report

7 Long Eaton runners did all 4 races in this series with the last race being at Rowsley near Matlock each race getting steadily more hillier than the previous day.Rich Wilkinson and John Birch who have been battling for the number 1 Club spot over the whole series did battle again and with only the last mile to go John Thought he was to beat Rich and was 150 meters ahead but Rich drew on his Fell race strength and Hauled John in and "flew" down the last steep to finish 5 secs ahead and 54 secs in front of John Overall. Rich (who had had a name change after first race results had replaced Rich with Katie) was 5th and 3rd place in the MV45 category, and John was 6th overall but 1st in the MV50 Category. Ducan Gedge improved on last years time by 3:56 and was 3rd for Long Eaton and was pleased by the way his running is going , he was quicker on every race time from 2008. Shaun Burton, Colin Bostock and Caroline Waterhouse have been trading blows over the 4 races and going into the last race Shaun had 20 secs in hand over Colin who in turn had 42 Secs in hand over Caroline. Colin knowing Shaun is rubbish going up hill struck out for supremicy a forced the pace up the hills but Shaun with his Plan of 50 secs run and 50 secs walk and his 20 secs in hand did not let Colin get too far ahead, Caroline Joined in and Passed the two guys half way up the hill and then was passed by Pete Fowles also having a good race. Shaun and Colin then passed Caroline and Pete towards the top of the hill and then "tanked" the 1.5 mile down hill stretch towards the finish. Colin managed to matain a gap that Shaun just couldn't close but shaun was only 7 secs behind to Finish 13 secs ahead in the overall standings. Shaun was well pleased with his time at Rowsley as it was 1:06 quicker than in 2008, overall he was 2 mins quicker in the series
Series Results:-

5 Dicky "Katie" Wilkinson 3rd MV45 1:53:50
6 John Birch 1st MV50 1:54:44
28 Duncan "the flycatcher" Gedge 2:13:34
34 Shaun Burton 2:18:08
35 Colin Bostock 2:18:21
36 Caroline Waterhouse 2:20:08
37 Pete Fowles 1:24:16
There were 56 runners who did all 4 races


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