Aston on trent 10k
Cool weather with a bit of drizzle met the runners at the start of the Aston 10k. The course a flat mixture of road, grass and trails with a bit of Derby and Mersey canal thrown in for good measure. The rain held off untill half the runners had finished and then it came down with avengence. 4 LERCers took part with Shaun Burton and Duncan Gedge both setting Course bests with Shaun (37th) 46:23 not bad after his usual 20 second "pit stop" half way round, Duncan set 47:37 and a position of 51st. Kathy and Bob Crockford also took part with Kathy looking for revenge as Bob had beat her by the width of a vest at the Bramcote 5k, 2 days earlier. As it was both set new best times with Bob 61:59 and Kathy getting her own back with a fine 57:50 finishing 142nd and 122nd respectively.
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