Pendle Clough Fell Race

A fine spring day in witch country provided great sport at the Pendle Clough fell race. This small friendly event is a true test of navigation much of it on trackless terrain over and around the flanks of Pendle Hill. With a little shock and fear Dicky Wilkinson found himself in 2nd place after 2 miles on the first sapping climb but then drifted backwards and then rallied late on to finish 8th, 5 minutes inside last years course record. The tussocks, bogs and difficult traverses suited Alan Maplethorpe as he sought a qualifying
race finish for this Borrowdale as he came home in 33rd place. The ever
present fell scene duo of Colin Bostock and Pete Sturgess both had strong runs again completing in 43rd and 56th respectively. Sean Gauton made a welcome return to the hills clocking up his forth AL category race in a year.


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