Staffs Moorland Xmas Cracker

And Lo! a star rose in the East (well it probably did but you couldn't see it because of the clouds) and the three wise men roused from their lowly beds and promptly headed West to that place they call Tittesworth Reservoir. There were definitely three although not sure how wise they were because the Staffordshire Moorlands Christmas Cracker Race isn't the easiest 8 miles around.

And so, with the Christmas meal scene in full swing Phil Abbott, Colin Bostock and Ian Wallis made the short hop to the foot of The Roaches in Staffordshire to work off a few calories and make room for more festive feasting. The Cracker is essentially a long fun run. Sure the first 20 or so were taking it seriously but behind them a party atmosphere prevailed as the majority of runners donned fancy dress and chatted and joked as they went. French Maids, Rocky Horror characters, amazing World War 2 aeroplanes, dogs (especially dalmations), Super Men and Women and of course numerous Santas splashed through the mud to the lane which took them up to the east end of The Roaches. This famous gritstone edge provides superb running ground with spectacular views to both sides but is all too soon over. Down Roach End to the lane which returns runners to those first few fields then a short run into the reservoir from the opposite end and it's all over and done with. A pair of Running Bear Christmas Socks as a memento then a cup of something hot before basking in the knowledge that your Sunday morning fun has contributed funds to the Buxton Mountain Rescue and the Staffs County Air Ambulance. Phil was 69th in just over 65 minutes with Colin 159th in 77:24 and Ian 254th in 88:23. Over 400 took part this year, nearly 100 up on last years record and an indication of how well thought of this Christmas race is. See you there next year.


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