Wollaton Park 10k

On 14th June 2008 13 Long Eaton runners competed in the Wollaton Park 10k race. The terrain is difficult, being on grass, trail and road. However this did not prevent some great individual performances.

Sharon Orridge finished 3rd lady overall and first in her age category in a time of 38:58. Gareth Watson set a new personal best time of 37:51, finishing 4th man overall. Phil Abbott set a new personal best time of 39:06, finishing 6th man overall. Monica Fee finished 7th lady overall in 42:50. Richard Hill finished 34th (42:35), followed by Martin Tilling in 41st position (43:34). Phil Thompson paced his race perfectly to take John Hay with 30 metres to go. Phil finished 56th setting a new personal best time of 44:46. John finished in 44:48. Colin Bostock finished 79th (46:25), with Shaun Burton finishing 85th (46:32). Damien Cowlishaw finished 118th (49.36). Caroline Waterhouse finished 22nd lady overall, with a time of 50:30 and Kate Turner completed the course in 53:48, finishing in 42nd place.


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