NRRL 3 Erewash

On Wednesday 11th June 2008 Long Eaton Running Club had its biggest turnout at a race so far this season. 34 runners from the club competed in the third race of the NRRL series. It was warm and sunny with a bit of a breeze and this year the 5.5 mile course was the same as always, except this year, it was run in reverse.

First home for the club and finishing in 4th position overall was Andy McNeil in a time of 29:54. Paul Lewis finished in 8th place in 30:43, with Rob Fox finishing 26th in 32:19, followed closely by Gareth Watson in 30th place with a time of 32:48. Ian Chant and Phil Abbott battled over the course, with Ian ultimately finishing ten seconds ahead of Phil with a time of 34:20 in 47th place. Phil finished in 34:30 and 50th. Patrick Fitzgerald finished 57th (35:00), with Rob Jackson finishing 82nd (35:57). Mario Rocchelli who managed to start at the same time as everyone else for a change, finished 88th (36:20). Sean Matthews, on his return to racing, finished 93rd (36:42). Phil Walters finished 109th (37:33), immediately followed by Ash Patel in 110th place (37:39). Dave Riley finished 116th (37:59), with Rob Smith finishing 120th (38:02), Phil Thompson finishing 122nd (38:12) and Paul Burchell finishing 125th (38:20). John Hay finished 140th (39:04), with Shaun Burton finishing 154th (40:13), followed by Duncan Gedge in 158th position (40:21). Chris Bradley couldn’t quite catch Duncan, finishing 159th (40:27) and despite all his effort Colin Bostock couldn’t quite catch Duncan, finishing 160th (40:31). Mark Goodson finished 164th (40:37), followed by Paul Gillingwater, who finished 174th (41:21). Bill Sheppard finished 176th (41:25), with Damien Cowlishaw finishing 193rd (42:56), with Stuart Bell finishing 199th (43:44) and Pete Sturgess finishing 226th (50:41).

There was a strong turnout for the ladies with Monica Fee first home for the club, finishing 13th with a time of 38:25, followed closely by Vicky Yeomans who finished 23rd in 39:20. Catherine Rowe finished 34th (41:14), with Caroline Waterhouse finishing 47th (43:00). Jackie Mather finished 62nd (44:42), with Kate Turner finishing 88th (47:17). Debbie Coleman finished 95th (47:59).

The Senior Mens A team finished 2nd overall, with the B team finishing in 16th place. The Vet Mens A team finished 6th overall, with the B team finishing 8th and the C team finishing 11th. The Ladies A team finished 7th; with the B team finishing 15th.

After three races the Senior Mens A team are in 2nd place, with the B team in 16th place. The Vet Mens A team are in 6th place, whilst the Ladies team are in 7th place.

The next race in the series takes place on 9th July 2008 at Worksop.


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