Tigger Tor 2008
With a brisk wind blowing over the moors above Sheffield the weather couldn't be described as ideal although for the last weekend in January it was almost balmy. Seven barmy LERCers lined up at the start after the unexpected kit check caught out young Wallis and he had to go begging for leggings. With a steady uphill start into the headwind there were no early breaks. Rob Jackson, Phil Walters, Andrei Vais and Ian Adkin were within sight of each other for the first half, and Colin Bostock tagged onto Ian Wallis's waterproof for the first few miles finally letting him get away across the moor. Sean Gauton had a steady start having just returned from a week's skiing and not quite having his running legs back.
This moorland route has long runable stretches broken up by rocky climbs and descents and while the heather may be short at this time of year it can still hide rocks and holes to catch the unwary so concentration is required at times. With excellent visibility and great marshalling no problems were encountered - even the 2 stream crossings were uneventful despite the recent deluge this area has suffered. The main climbs are Higger Tor, Over Owler Tor, Carl Wark and the edge up onto Houndkirk Moor where strong thighs can help to make up places as others struggle with the short climbs.
Andrei, feeling fit after his cross country race the day before, pulled away from the group with a couple of miles to go while Phil chased down Ian Adkin passing him on the descent from Houndkirk Hill, all 3 finishing within 1 1/2 minutes of each other. Rob was just 3 minutes behind. Meanwhile Colin put some work in to close the gap on Ian Wallis, though too little too late, and Ian finished 2 1/2 minutes in front of him. Sean took great lungfuls of fresh Yorkshire air (too early in the season for spinach) and put in a great performance to finish just 8 minutes behind Colin.
Lloyd Taggert won the race with Janet Mciver first for the ladies. The LERC contingent were Andrei (84th), Phil (96th), Ian Adkin (98th), Rob (113), Ian Wallis (225), Colin (236) and Sean (288) while Andrei, Phil and Ian Atkin finished in 20th in the team competition.
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