Drunken Dash 2007
The Drunken Dash attracted a meagre 11 members and one potential new member on a damp Friday evening. Despite being delayed a week especially for the Blaydon runners none of them turned up to run (although 2 appeared in the last pub and received a suitable barracking), some members were in the Lakes assisting on a Bob Graham and yet more were no doubt resting ready for the 10k in Wollaton Park on the following morning. I'm sure none of them were put off by the drop of rain we were having. Anyway, well done Colin, Jimmy, Chris, Lucy, Carol, Ray, Phil, Eddie and Chris, not forgetting new member(?) Derek.
Meeting up at the Wilsthorpe Tavern, the 9 runners made their way to The Bell in Sawley and then on to the Nags Head where Ian joined them. From here a short dash to The Railway - Barbara appeared, photos were taken and some headed indoors for a second round. A somewhat squishy 2 miles followed across the horse fields to Breeston where some fields were under at least 6 inches of water. Why is this always adjacent to the stiles so you have no choice but to get your feet wet.
On then to the Bulls Head where chips and cobs were gratefully devoured - fresh and hot as we got there due to mobile phones and manager Phil Thompson running with the group. Phil had persuaded the brewary to spend £30,000 on a fabulous gazebo just to keep us dry and we're all very grateful. At least it kept the sweaty bodies away from the paying customers!
Round the corner to The Chequers for a swift one before a final sprint via the canal cycle path to The Navigation where the running ended (no-one had any enthusiasm to go to Eaton Farm) and the relaxing began. Good to see Kev, Karen, Pete, Ann, Rob, Richard, Sarah and honorary member Bill Camm in there even if you did wimp out of the running.
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