Shakespeare Marathon

Stratford on Avon held its annual celebrations for the Bards birthday which included a full and Half Marathon.

With the weather ideal for running, David Wilkinson and Shaun Burton from Long Eaton Running Club both took part in the longer event, each with very different outcomes.

David was 21st overall out of the 856 finishers in a new personal breaking 3 hours for the first time in 2:58:10. Shaun struggling for the last five miles took 4:16:02 to complete his 13th marathon.

The race was marred by a very inpatient driver knocking over one of the marshals who then sped off clipping one of the runners with his wing mirror, missing Shaun by a foot and another runner by the width of a running vest. Fortunately the marshal suffered only minor injuries no thanks to the unthinking driver.


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